
We all know our ability to resist temptation is very limited when the holiday season comes calling. So many wonderful smells and tastes do we really stand a chance? Believe it or not we can make through the season while not only enjoying the delicious foods that go with the season but actually maintain our waistline in the meantime. Here are 5 very effective ways to control the amount of food you eat during the holiday season.

 1) Reduce sugar: Substituting an artificial sweetener such as Splenda or the better all natural option Steiva will provide your baked goods with all of the sweet flavor that real sugar does but without the addition of any calories.

Christmas Cookies

2) Low-High-Low: This is a great strategy I regularly use with great success. It simply utilizes a little planning and foresight. If I know on Christmas Day I am going to eat like a king then the day before Christmas and the day after I will eat like a peasant. The two low calorie days I will significantly reduce how much I eat and limit carbohydrate intake. This allows me to eat as much as I want on Christmas without any guilt. Bring on the pecan pie!

3) Graze free zone: This strategy really holds true all of the time. When we stand and eat we really do a poor job of controlling what we eat. This mindless eating can sabotage our efforts to control calories and the waistline. So instead of grazing around the kitchen and living room moving from the giant assorted cookie tray to the chip bowl take your one cookie of choice and sit down to eat it. Guess what you will probably enjoy more too because you will actually realize you're eating it.

4) Go Train: If you are going to eat a mass of calories you might as well get some of those calories working for you. This is a perfect time for strength training as you will prime the body to receive and USE the calories you have or are going to consume to build and repair muscle rather than store as fat. I know we want to be lazy during the holidays but getting up and moving will do wonders for your sugar induced Christmas coma.

5) Portion Control: Remember your eyes are always bigger than your stomach. So go easy on your first time through the line or as the food is passed around. You don't have to completely cover your plate with food. Take enough and if you want more after get some more. I'm pretty sure Grandma made more than enough for everyone.

There you have it, now go forth and enjoy the slendors of the holiday season!